Show Notes

DL Walker has over 20 years’ experience in physical therapy, exercise physiology, massage, neurophysiology, athletic training, and alternative medicine.

She holds 2 Bachelor of Science degrees majoring in Physical Therapy and Fitness/Cardiac Rehab respectively and a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science. She has been credentialed as a Health Coach and Certified Functional Manual Therapist.

Now, she is going to let you in on a secret that most Physical Therapists know but are too polite to say anything (plus we would lose business).

99% of the population, including professional athletes, are exercising improperly, on poorly aligned bodies, and actually doing harm. Think about it, you would never drive a car for any distance that has a flat tire. Yet there are people who are running, jumping, moving with a body that is the equivalent of 4 flat tires and a broken axle. It is not your fault and there are many reasons, including a lack of knowledge. In fact, she was a licensed Physical Therapist for 3 years before I was taught proper posture (and it was nothing like shoulders back, chest out). 

Listen to this episode to learn more about Correcticise™ and the new way to reverse age and restore your mojo!