Show Notes

Do you remember how I told you that I had resistance around making over 100 sales before my official debut on From Heartache to Joy? Well, Jenny Ngo was the one who pinpointed this right away, helped me clear it.. and before you know it I made 20K in 2 days! 

You see, she's discovered that that are certain energies, that if low in us, will actually push money away. She was SO right. My "allowing" was on the low side - I had the tendancy to try and do it all! She even expanded my God team to "infinite" which is making my energy healing with patients faster, deeper and more effective! Woo hoo! 

I was so thrilled with the results that I had after working with Jenny, that I knew I had to have her on my show to talk about how you too can breakthrough the "glass ceiling" on your income.  Join us to learn 

What you were NEVER told before why you struggle with money and abundance and other areas in your life?  How knowing this, will be the game changer for you.

What are the success formula of key essentials “Must-Haves” to being a Money Magnet just like those who are successful, from $100,000 to billionaires, with high integrity?

How to increase your abundance help and support, your team of “Money Advisors”

And YES, by popular demand we will be doing some live group healings and mini-healings on air, so be sure to call in early to catch it all live! (Replay will be available at this link immediately after the show).