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Most everyone, human that is, has some sort of addiction.  Some are minor and the person is well aware of their issues.  Many folks resist, however, because everyone else is "doing it" so they don't feel like there is a problem.  Addictive behavior unfortunately is often a self-soothing method to cover up uncomfortable feelings and emotions.

With ascension, we are being challenged to release and heal what no longer serves us...and feeling "We are all One" can be disturbing to say the least (especially if you're not expecting it)!

Join me on this self-hosted live healing call as I discuss the various reasons we have symptoms of addiction including:

- microbiome imbalance (tune in if you have no idea what I'm talking about)

-dopamine and dopamine receptors

- ascension related sensitivity

- entity interferences

- energetic boundary imbalances

-  alternate self syndrome

...and more!

I will be doing a healing activation to support you in healing addictive symptoms and then I will take callers by phone and on the chat.  Maybe you will be chosen to get a mini-healing!