Show Notes

There are many factors that come together that influence who you are today: your environment, those you surround yourself with, diet, exercise, Karma.. the list goes on and on. But what about your names? 

Have you ever given thought to the power of your names, and how the energy of your combined names can actually influence what you are attracting into your life? What can a total stranger tell about you just from looking at your names? What if.. by changing just one part of your name could make a ripple effect in your life that leads to more abundance, greater "ease" and less struggle? You may be surprised to hear the answer. 

Join me as I interview Names Analysis Expert and Author of Name Reality Lyon Zonamyari as he shares with us his unique strategy to unfold what a person's name reveals about their personality, their outlook on life, their health, and even their likely-hood for success! This is not a new hokey pokey theory and this is not numerology. This system was originally used in ancient times by enlightened families to name their children for a prosperous happy and healthy life. It has been documented many times over the last several thousand years and was for the most, kept a secret.

Be sure to tune in to learn more about this fascinating strategy for yourself. You even have the chance to call in to have your personal questions answered by Lyon. 


Lyon's own personal life was a roller coaster pattern of turbulent trials and tribulations until he discovered this ancient knowledge about his name that that changed his life forever. Since 2010 he has used the power of science to link energy and vibration to ones names and has been helping clients lead a happier, healthier and more joyous life ever since.